the blog of a bear

is life in prison, really enough? I don't think so.

while passing through my twitter timeline this morning, I ran across
this disturbing article.
about a sentancing of 2 males who brutily assaulted, injured, then murdered a defenseless 18-year-old girl.
I can’t even bring myself to copy rellivent parts of the article I’ve linked to above.
but, Let me spell out my feelings about this incident.
In my opinion, these two individuals should be sent to a state that still supports the death penalty, and put on trial for murder, as adults, not as youth’s, and sentanced, to death.
The punishment should fit the crime.
Them even considering sentancing them as youths is perposterous. Their *should* be know issue over this. sentance them as adults, and be done with it!
I don’t think life in prison is enough, why should our tax dollars go towards keeping these stupid wastes of air, and skin, alive?
I await your comments, for, or against.
I *want* this to spark debate on this blog.
Opinions, suggestions, questions, what have you, post them in the comments section.
I’ll even do research and put together another post with questions, and responses to questions if necessary.
Should these individuals be sentanced as youths, or as adults. Whatever you decide, why do you feel this way.
Is life in prison enough? Or should they be put to death. Why do you feel this way.
The comment boards await you

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