the blog of a bear

my take on this whole thing about freedom scientific.

I don’t post on this blog much because i have my own, but I have a profile here so i can comment and not get spammed.
I asked shane to update my level to author, so I can post this.

If you read my previous comments on the previous posts on this blog, you’ll know my views, so I won’t bore you with those details, but here is a message, and it’s headers that prooves shane’s header theory and that the headers that he posted did indeed come from freedom scientific!
First the headers:

Received: from ( [])
by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 5DF20CE779
for ; Thu, 4 Sep 2008 08:44:08 -0700 (PDT)
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft Exchange V6.5.7235.2
Content-class: urn:content-classes:message
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Subject: RE: ILM Activation Reset Requests
Date: Thu, 4 Sep 2008 11:43:25 -0400
Thread-Topic: RE: ILM Activation Reset Requests
Thread-Index: AckOF0/pm7Ri/KzZTrys4idaqymQHQAdspxAAAQ6IXAAAKTGsAAAfb7AAAAe/GA=
X-Priority: 1
Priority: Urgent
Importance: high
From: “Bryan Carver”

so, to Mr. Damery and the rest of you losers at freedom fuck me over, please, play again. the headers shane did post were accurate and valid, so ha!
Let’s move on to the e-mail message itself

—– Original Message —–
From: “Bryan Carver”
To: “monty icenogle”
Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2008 8:43 AM
Subject: RE: ILM Activation Reset Requests

Hello Monty, Thank you for your e-mail. Since it has been 9 months since your last reset request, I have reset your activations back to 3. I did notice that for the first few years, you had an unusually high number of resets, so I am glad to see that whatever technical issues you had that caused so many resets has been resolved. If you again start experiencing such technical issues again that require a large number of resets, please do not hesitate to give our tech support line a call at:


Monday through Friday from 8:30 AM to 7:00 PM Eastern time.


Bryan Carver Director of Technical Support Freedom Scientific Inc.

Phone: 800-444-4443 Extension: 1062 E-Mail:

—–Original Message—– From: [] Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2008 6:50 PM To: activate Subject: ILM Activation Reset Request Importance: High

Subject = ILM Activation Reset Request

* * * Contact Information

Serial or Auth Number partial = 59243 Registered User Name = Monty Icenogle Registered User Email =

Let’s take that e-mail one chunk at a time.
He first states:

Hello Monty, Thank you for your e-mail. Since it has been 9 months since your last reset request, I have reset your activations back to 3.

wait a second, why should it matter how long it’s been since my last activation, I own the product, and should be able to do whatever I want with it!
Ok, so then he says:

I did notice that for the first few years, you had an unusually high number of resets, so I am glad to see that whatever technical issues you had that caused so many resets has been resolved.

Technical issues? um, no, hardware changes, system reloads, among other things that commonly plague computer users caused me to have a high number of activations!
Let’s see, does freedom scientific expect me to never have to upgrade? never have to reload my system? come on!
I liked the old days where you could sticka floppy in the drive, and move said authorization back to the floppy!
Why don’t they allow us to put ILM activations back?
would that not prevent high numbers of reactivations and reset requests?
If I want to upgrade my computer, I’m gonna certainly do it and I won’t think twice about it.

    Ok, my rant is over so comment away!

    Mirrored from shane's rants!.

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