the blog of a bear

I hate this, but a sad update.

Hey everyone,
Their hasn’t been much to write about in the last little while.
A few things of note over the past month.
The first one isn’t pleasant.
A very dear friend of mine passed away tragically september27 2008. Tracey OKonner died of two faital bullits, one to the face and one to the lung area.
She survived the initial night and started to recover, but at 9:47PM september 27 2008 she was pronounced dead.
The funeral followed That Monday, and it’s still hard for me.
She was the little sister I never had, the one you could laugh with no matter the situation.
She could make me laugh no matter the situation, even if I’d had a really shitty day at work.
I’ll always remember the happy memories.
May you rest in piece my dear sister, and someday, may we meet again.

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