the blog of a bear

and you claim to be the largist network, in canada? with the least dropped calls? seriously?

So while on the phone with
via his cell phone, since his land line is currently made of fail, thanks to bell
fucking him over even after him paying them.
The call all of a sudden, without rhyme, or reason, takes a giant shit.
I get a fast busy signal, go to call back, and I get uncerimoniously fired, into voicemail.
This isn’t the first time I’ve seen this.
This is like the 4th or 5th time I’ve seen this, with different customers.
It’s like rogers in it’s monopolizing the fuckin’ cell phone markit, has forgotten the fundamentals of proper network maintenance.
This is one reason I’ve switched to
wind mobile
because even with it’s
stupid fair use policy regarding call lengths
when their’s a network problem they’ve always fixed it quick enough, where it *never* happens again, and if necessary, threw a credit at my head for my trouble.
So rogers, this is still not convincing me to return to you, ok?
your company sucks, major ass.

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