the blog of a bear

I never thought I'd see the day where those firedrills would be a use.

Over my years of attending the W. Ross Macdonald school, we always had fire drills on a monthly bases, sometimes planned, sometimes caused by some stupid deaf blind twerp pulling the alarm.
I could tell stories about those deaf blind people pulling the fire alarm, but that’s not what this post is about.
back to the main topic of this post.
I never thought I’d see the day where the school firesystem would actually
a purpose other than be a toy for the deaf blind
But last sunday, it turned out that it
Here’s the article in it’s entirety

BRANTFORD (BCN) – Damage caused by a weekend fire at the W. Ross Macdonald School for the Blind has been pegged at between $400,000 and $450,000.
Brantford fire prevention officer Darren Zettler said the blaze damaged two second-floor classrooms and a preparatory room.
A monitored alarm system alerted fire crews to the blaze at 4:51 a.m. on Sunday. With the exception of security personnel, the Brant Avenue school was empty at the time of the fire.
Zettler said the fire is believed to have started in a preparatory room that adjoins two classrooms. Most of the damage is located in the preparatory room, but smoke damage spread to the classrooms, he said.
Potential causes of the fire have been narrowed down to an electrical failure, overloaded power bar or someone unintentionally leaving an appliance on.
“We are leaning toward the first, but haven’t made a final determination yet,” Zettler said.

we here at the blog will be following this story, as it develops, and we thank
Carin Headrick
for tossing this initial link at us.
related: I feel like blaming some teacher for leaving an appliance on, why, because most of them, would be that stupid. at least, the ones that I hated, in my day

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