the blog of a bear


Hello all,
I’m sitting in communications class, bored out of my mind, eating ritz chips. Jordan’s running his mouth about programming. We’ve got a supply teacher in Communications class today.
Drama should be interesting.
Guess what play we’re doing for Christmas?
The grinch, of all plays!
Could they not have come up with something, shall we say, a little more interesting then the grintch? Like Come on!
We’re discussing the mac house program as I type this.
Let’s see, what else to talk about…
The Trekker in one of the courses I am taking has decided it’s not going to play nice, so the teacher that knows how to work it is trying to fix it.
In regards to Rose and myself, we’re dooing awsome.
A lot of people jokingly ask us when the wedding is going to be, grin, and we always say, you’ll find out when the time is right. grin!

Talk to yall later.

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